National Federation of State Poetry Societies

The National Federation of State Poetry Societies offers online submission for the Stevens Poetry Manuscript Competition, the College Undergraduate Poetry Competition, the BlackBerryPeach Prizes for Poetry: Spoken and Heard, the NFSPS Founders Award Contest, and the Student Award Contest for students in grades 3 through 12.

If you do not have a Submittable account, you will be asked to open one during the submission process. This free account is yours permanently.  

The submission period for all contests vary. Please check back often for contest information. You may also check or current contest information and for convention information. 


Guidelines for NFSPS BlackBerryPeach Prizes for Poetry: Spoken & Heard - Sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) BlackBerryPeach Prizes for Poetry competition blends "stage" and "page" poetry, giving equal weight to performance and poetics.

Please read the following carefully. Not following ALL guidelines disqualifies a submission.


Entry fee is $10.00 for NFSPS members and for anyone 21 years of age or or younger (at the time of submission); it is $15.00 for all others.

Members of state poetry societies affiliated with NFSPS are members. Click here to see if your organization is an NFSPS affiliate.

All fees are payable at with a credit card or PayPal account.


  • Submissions will be accepted between January 1 and March 15, using the online system, which will be accessible only during that time.
  • An electronic switch will open the Submissions function in the first minute of January 1, and close it automatically at midnight Pacific Standard Time on March 15.
  • Make sure you know your local time relative to Pacific Standard Time in the United States. International contestants are advised to submit no later than March 14. Indeed, we urge every entrant to submit early so that our committee will have time to contact you if we spot anything amiss with your submission.


  • Open to all poets writing and speaking in English.
  • To enter this competition, you must have a account. If you currently have one, you may use it to enter the competition.  If you do not have an account, use the online sign-up to get your free, personal, and permanent account.  Signing up is simple and your account is instantly usable.  Visit for further information.
  • First place winners will not be eligible to compete in the year following their win.


    Follow the general guidelines below as well as the specific guidelines for the text and audio portions of your submission. Be sure to also read the specifics on the upload page.

    Once you have uploaded the files, you cannot make edits. You will be notified automatically that your entry has been received. Once the contest is over, the files will be securely archived, and you need not go back to withdraw them.

  • Online submissions only (through  
  • Open to all poets writing/speaking in English.
  • Original work by a single author.
  • Only one entry of four poems per contestant, please.  Multiple entries will disqualify all submissions from that contestant.
  • No identification. There must be no author identification anywhere on the audio files or in the transcript; no biographical information that could disclose your identity.  Do not include your name as part of either audio or written file name.  Substitute a fictitious name if your real name is in a title or poem; if you win, you can put your real name back into the work before publication.
  • Be sure both audio and document files are ready on your computer or mobile device before you begin the submission process, because the online entry operation will direct you to upload them in tandem.

    AUDIO GUIDELINES:  Submit one audio recording of your four poems in .mp3 or .WAV format.  If you choose .WAV, we recommend you record in stereo using at least 24-bit, 96 KB/second.
  • Procedure:  For each poem, say the poem number and its title, then pause for a few seconds.  Your 3-minute time limit for each poem begins the moment you start speaking again. At the end of each poem, pause for about 20 seconds before announcing the next poem.
  • Voice only:  No musical or percussion accompaniment during competition.  Winners can add music, finger snaps, dance, etc. during performance at the convention or in subsequent recordings, as long as the music is original and/or not protected by copyright.
  • No video files: Videos will be disqualified.  If you are announced as a winner, you will have the choice of being filmed at the convention or submitting a video you have made yourself.  If you use props, background music, etc. during the video filming, please observe the copyright restrictions mentioned above. 

TRANSCRIPT GUIDELINES:  Must contain your four poems in the order they are performed on the audio file.  Acceptable file formats for the transcript include .doc and .docx (MS Word) and .pdf.

  • Transcript Fonts and Spacing:  Type poems in 12-point Times New Roman or similar type font and black ink. Colored text and script, fancy or unusual fonts will not be accepted. Single-space your poems and start lines at the left margin, unless you are clearly using spacing as a poetic device.  Insert a page break between each poem.  Title each poem.
  • Pagination:  Pages of transcript numbered at lower right corner, one poem, one column per page.  Poems may be continued on a second or third page, but do not put two poems on the same page.
  • Auxiliary pages (Dedication, Acknowledgments, Cover letter, Bio, etc.):  Do NOT include these in your initial entry. If you win, you will be asked for a brief biography and will have ample opportunity to include the other elements during the editing phase.
  • Editorial input:  Because the chapbook will contain the work of at least three poets, the BBP3 Chair and/or chapbook editor will determine its design, including cover and supplemental text.


  • While we honor your First Amendment right of free speech, be aware that any profanity used must be necessary to the literary integrity of the poem.  The NFSPS will not give prizes for, nor publish, work that perpetuates derogatory stereotypes.  Nor will it accept work that is obscene, prurient or sexually graphic, hate-mongering, or abusive of any social, racial, ethnic, religious, or gender group. 


  • Cash awards.  First place $1,000, Second place $500, Third place $250.
  • Publication by NFSPS of a perfect-bound 6"x9" chapbook containing, at the editor's discretion, the four poems from each of the three prizewinners, to be marketed through
  • Videos of the winning performances will be posted on YouTube.  The NFSPS website will post links to the YouTube presentations and to for chapbook purchase.
  • 25 free copies of the chapbook for each winner to sell at the NFSPS Convention or to keep for personal use.
  • Invitation to perform winning work during the NFSPS Annual Convention.
  •  Winners may opt to be a part of a video  their performance at the Convention or submit their own video for showing at the Convention and posting on YouTube.
  • First Place receives $300 travel stipend, if traveling to Convention.
  • Complimentary registration for the entire convention. Complimentary dinner on the day of performance. (Winners are responsible for the balance of their convention costs, e.g., meals and lodging, and for any guests they bring.)
  • Complimentary one-year membership in an NFSPS-affiliated state poetry society of the winner's choosing and in NFSPS.
  • Book release at the NFSPS annual convention. While a winner is present at the convention, he/she may sell books directly and/or in the convention book room and will receive all proceeds from those sales.
  • Up to seven Honorable Mentions will receive NFSPS certificates; their names and cities of residence will be listed in the chapbook.


Judging:   All entries will be reviewed for compliance with guidelines and overall quality by the competition committee.  

  • Up to 100 entries will be sent, without identification or acknowledgments, to an independent judge, who will remain anonymous until the results are announced.
  • Entries are judged blind (identified only by machine - generated number) using a rubric that includes such factors as enunciation, clarity, speed, and suitability of tone to text.
  • Three winners and up to seven honorable mentions will be selected.  Decisions are final.

Notification of Winners. All entrants will be notified of results by email. Winners will be announced in the NFSPS newsletter, Strophes, available at

For additional information, click here to email Joseph Cavanaugh, BBP3 Chair.


Guidelines for NFSPS BlackBerryPeach Prizes for Poetry: Spoken & Heard - Sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS)

Th annual BlackBerryPeach Prizes for Poetry competition blends "stage" and "page" poetry, giving equal weight to performance and poetics.  

Please read the following carefully. Not following ALL guidelines disqualifies a submission.


Entry fee is $15.00 for those who are over 21 and not NFSPS members.

(For members and entrants 21 years of age or or younger at the time of submission, the fee is $10.00. Members of state poetry societies affiliated with NFSPS are members. Click here to see if your organization is an NFSPS affiliate!)  

All fees are payable at with a credit card or PayPal account.


  • Submissions will be accepted between January 1 and March 15, using the online system, which will be accessible only during that time.
  • An electronic switch will open the Submissions function in the first minute of January 1, and close it automatically at midnight Pacific Standard Time on March 15.
  • Make sure you know your local time relative to Pacific Standard Time in the United States. International contestants are advised to submit no later than March 14. Indeed, we urge every entrant to submit early so that our committee will have time to contact you if we spot anything amiss with your submission.

  • Open to all poets writing and speaking in English.
  • To enter this competition, you must have a account. If you currently have one, you may use it to enter the competition.  If you do not have an account, use the online sign-up to get your free, personal, and permanent account.  Signing up is simple and your account is instantly usable.  Visit for further information.
  • First place winners will not be eligible to compete in the year following their win.


Follow the general guidelines below as well as the specific guidelines for the text and audio portions of your submission. Be sure to also read the specifics on the upload page.

Once you have uploaded the files, you cannot make edits. You will be notified automatically that your entry has been received. Once the contest is over, the files will be securely archived, and you need not go back to withdraw them.


  • Online submissions only (through  
  • Open to all poets writing/speaking in English.
  • Original work by a single author.
  • Only one entry of four poems per contestant, please.  Multiple entries will disqualify all submissions from that contestant.
  • No identification. There must be no author identification anywhere on the audio files or in the transcript; no biographical information that could disclose your identity.  Do not include your name as part of either audio or written file name.  Substitute a fictitious name if your real name is in a title or poem; if you win, you can put your real name back into the work before publication.
  • Be sure both audio and document files are ready on your computer or mobile device before you begin the submission process, because the online entry operation will direct you to upload them in tandem.

    AUDIO GUIDELINES:  Submit one audio recording of your four poems in .mp3 or .WAV format.  If you choose .WAV, we recommend you record in stereo using at least 24-bit, 96 KB/second.
  • Procedure:  For each poem, say the poem number and its title, then pause for a few seconds.  Your 3-minute time limit for each poem begins the moment you start speaking again. At the end of each poem, pause for about 20 seconds before announcing the next poem.
  • Voice only:  No musical or percussion accompaniment during competition.  Winners can add music, finger snaps, dance, etc. during performance at the convention or in subsequent recordings, as long as the music is original and/or not protected by copyright.
  • No video files: Videos will be disqualified.  If you are announced as a winner, you will have the choice of being filmed at the convention or submitting a video you have made yourself.  If you use props, background music, etc. during the video filming, please observe the copyright restrictions mentioned above. 

TRANSCRIPT GUIDELINES:  Must contain your four poems in the order they are performed on the audio file.  Acceptable file formats for the transcript include .doc and .docx (MS Word) and .pdf.

Transcript Fonts and Spacing:  Type poems in 12-point Times New Roman or similar type font and black ink. Colored text and script, fancy or unusual fonts will not be accepted. Single-space your poems and start lines at the left margin, unless you are clearly using spacing as a poetic device.  Insert a page break between each poem.  Title each poem.

  • Pagination:  Pages of transcript numbered at lower right corner, one poem, one column per page.  Poems may be continued on a second or third page, but do not put two poems on the same page.
  • Auxiliary pages (Dedication, Acknowledgments, Cover letter, Bio, etc.):  Do NOT include these in your initial entry. If you win, you will be asked for a brief biography and will have ample opportunity to include the other elements during the editing phase.

 Editorial input:  Because the chapbook will contain the work of three poets, the BBP3 Chair and/or chapbook editor will determine its design, including cover and supplemental text.


  • While we honor your First Amendment right of free speech, be aware that any profanity used must be necessary to the literary integrity of the poem. The NFSPS will not give prizes for, nor publish, work that perpetuates derogatory stereotypes.  Nor will it accept work that is obscene, prurient or sexually graphic, hate-mongering, or abusive of any social, racial, ethnic, religious, or gender group.

  • Cash awards.  First place $1,000, Second place $500, Third place $250.
  • Publication by NFSPS of a perfect-bound 6"x9" chapbook containing, at the editor's discretion, the four poems from each of the prizewinners, to be marketed through
  • Videos of the winning performances will be posted on YouTube.  The NFSPS website will post links to the YouTube presentations and to for chapbook purchase.
  • 25 free copies of the chapbook for each winner to sell at NFSPS Convention or to keep for personal use.
  • Invitation to perform winning work during the NFSPS Annual Convention. Contestants may opt to be a part of  a video of  their performance at the Convention or submit their own video for showing at the Convention and posting on YouTube.
  • First Place receives $300 travel stipend, if traveling to convention.
  • Complimentary registration for the entire convention. Complimentary dinner on the day of performance. (Winners are responsible for the balance of their convention costs, e.g., meals and lodging, and for any guests they bring.)
  • Complimentary one-year membership in an NFSPS-affiliated state poetry society of the winner's choosing and in NFSPS.
  • Book release at the NFSPS annual convention. While a winner is present at the convention, he/she may sell books directly and/or in the convention book room and will receive all proceeds from those sales.
  • Up to seven Honorable Mentions will receive NFSPS certificates; their names and cities of residence will be listed in the chapbook.


    Judging:   All entries will be reviewed for compliance with guidelines and overall quality by the competition committee.  
  • Approximately 100 entries will be sent, without identification or acknowledgments, to an independent judge, who will remain anonymous until the results are announced.
  • Entries are judged blind (identified only by machine - generated number) using a rubric that includes such factors as enunciation, clarity, speed, and suitability of tone to text.
  • Three winners and up to seven honorable mentions will be selected.  Decisions are final.

Notification of Winners. All entrants will be notified of results by email. Winners will be announced in the NFSPS newsletter, Strophes, available at

For additional information, click here to email Joseph Cavanaugh, BBP3 Chair.


Sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Inc. to honor Mary B. Wall.
Subject: Any
Form: Any. 100 line limit
Entry fee for members $5 per poem and non-members $10 per poem.
Poems must be previously unpublished.  
Limit: 4 poems per member contestant $5 per poem
1st Prize: $1,000. 2nd Prize: $500. 3rd Prize: $250
NFSPS sponsors 49 other contests for adults with a deadline of March 15. Be sure to check here for contest rules and information about entry. 

Sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Inc. to honor Mary B. Wall.
 Subject: Any
 Form: Any. 100 line limit
 Entry fee for members and non-members: $Entry fee for non-members $10 per poem.
Poems must be previously unpublished.  
Limit: 4 poems per contestant $10 per poem
 1st Prize: $1,000. 2nd Prize: $500. 3rd Prize: $250
 NFSPS sponsors 49 other contests for adults with a deadline of March 15.  Be sure to check here for contest rules and information about entry. 

This submission is for payment and cover sheet only.
Members may enter up to 10 contests for $1 per poem or $10 total for entry in more than 10 contests (except for Contest 1-NFSPS Founders Award, which is $5 per poem). This form is for the cover sheet and payment for Contests #2-50.

Click here for general Contest Rules.

Additional rules for Submittable entries are below.

11. How to submit via Submittable:
(a.) Read carefully. Any violation will disqualify entry. Some rules for electronic submissions differ from the printed brochure.
(b.) Place number and name of contest in upper left corner on document submitted for each contest.  DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ANYWHERE ON THE POEMS SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY.

(c.) You may submit poems in any of the following formats: Upload a pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf, or odt.

(d.) Prepare a document for submission under *Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" or "Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" that lists poet’s name, address, phone number, E-mail address (if available), state society membership (or “Non-Member" )  List on the document the number of the contest and the title of the poem, but not the title of each contest you are entering. List the total number of poems submitted. Sample Cover Sheet

This submission is for payment and cover sheet only.
Non-members may enter most contests at $1 each (except $10 for each entry in Contest 1–NFSPS Founders Award). Non-members may not enter contests marked with an asterisk, * and which are designated members only. This form is for the cover sheet and payment for Contests #2-50.  
Click here for general Contest Rules.

Additional rules for Submittable entries are below.
11. How to submit via Submittable:
(a.) Read carefully. Any violation will disqualify entry. Some rules for electronic submissions differ from the printed brochure.
(c.) You may submit poems in any of the following formats: Upload a pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf, or odt.
(d.)  Place number and name of contest in upper left corner on document submitted for each contest. Do not place your name anywhere on the submitted poem.   
(e.) Prepare a document for submission under "Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" that lists poet’s name, address, phone number, E-mail address (if available), state society membership (or “Non-Member" ) List on the document the number of the contest and the title of the poem, but not the title of each contest you are entering. List the total number of poems submitted. 

Sponsored by Randy K. Schwartz
Subject: A poem that expresses a yearning for society to advance beyond the oppression of humans by humans.
Form: Any. Line limit: 75.
1st Prize: $250. 2nd Prize: $150. 3rd Prize: $100.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

In memory of Margo LaGattuta who encouraged poetry in every one she met. 

Subject:: Wolf at the window.  

Form: Any. 50 line limit. Sponsored by her friends. 

1st Prize: $200. 2nd Prize: $100. 3rd Prize: $50.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 (*Members Only)

To honor the memory of Don Stodghill, who served as President of the Poetry Society of Texas and Legal Advisor of NFSPS. 

Subject: Any. Form: Any. 40 line limit.

 Sponsored by Pat Stodghill. 

1st Prize: $200. 2nd Prize: $100. 3rd Prize: $50.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Sponsored by the NFSPS Executive and Appointive boards.

Subject: Milestones. Form: Any. Line limit: 40.

1st Prize: $170. 2nd Prize: $100. 3rd Prize: $65.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Sponsored by Diane Glancy, Pat Stodghill, Sue Chambers
(previous prize winners in the NFSPS Founders Award)

Subject: Any. Form: Any. Line limit: 80.

1st Prize: $115. 2nd Prize: $85. 3rd Prize: $60

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

 (*Members Only)

Subject: Any. Form: Any. 40 line limit. Sponsored by the Poetry Society of Texas.
1st Prize: $125. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $25. 

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

In   memory of Jim Barton, Past President of NFSPS and cheerleader to all writers, who saw wonder and poetry everywhere in nature.   Sponsored by the South Arkansas Poets of the Pines   

 Subject: Bottomlands Storyteller  Form: Any.  

Line Limit: 40

1st Prize: $100 2nd Prize: $60   3rd Prize: $40    

  General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

In   memoy of Lucille Morgan Wilson. Past treasurer of NFSPS.
Subject: Gardens  Form: Any.  
Sponsored by Julie Cummings and Carla Jordan
1st Prize: $100 2nd Prize: $60   3rd Prize: $40    

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

 Sponsors: M. Palowski Moore and Toby Palowski

 To provide a space for poetry that reflects the experiences & perspectives of the many facets of the 

2SLGBTQIA+ Community

Subject: 2SLGBTQIA+ Perspectives. Form: Any. Line Limit: 50.

 1st Prize: $100. 2nd Prize: $60. 3rd Prize: $40.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Sponsored by the Poets Roundtable of Arkansas
Subject: Any. Form: Any. Line limit: 40.
1st Prize: $75. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $25.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Subject: Breaking the Rules.  Form: Choose a form but break it - modify an existing form to make it your own. Note form and modifications on entry.  50 line limit. Sponsored by the Alabama State Poetry Society.

 1st Prize: $75. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $25.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

 To honor the memory of Susan Paquet

Subject: A Poem Related to “Borders,” real or imagined. Form: Any.

40 line limit. Sponsored by the New Mexico State Poetry Society.

1st Prize: $75. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $25.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Subject: Life as Other. Form: Persona Poem.

Sponsored by Paul Ford and Marie Andrews

1st Prize: $100. 2nd Prize: $60. 3rd Prize: $40.

Line Limit: 40

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Subject: Listening. Form: Any.

Sponsored by Linda Eve Diamond

1st Prize: $75. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $25.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Sponsor: Friends of Mildred Cummings

 Subject: Family Meals. Form: Any. Line Limit: 40.

1st Prize: $75. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $25.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Subject: Crossroads. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by the Poetry Society of Indiana.

1st Prize: $75. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $25.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.


Subject: The Power of Women. Form: Any.

40 line limit. Sponsored by Sue Chambers and Christina Flaugher

1st Prize: $70. 2nd Prize: $50. 3rd Prize: $20.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

Sponsor: Her friends in the Peregrine Writers.

 Honoring the author of A Mutable Place and Wavering Reflection. 

Subject: Strange Familiar

Form: Any. Line Limit: 40.

1st Prize: $60. 2nd Prize: $40. 3rd Prize: $20.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

 (*Members Only)
 Sponsor: Nancy Baass, in loving  memory of her wonderful mother, a truly beautiful

 lady, inside and out, who served two terms as Poet Laureate of Texas. 

Subject: Cats - their endearing habits, intelligence, loyalty, beauty, etc. (no reference

 to cruelty or abuse). Form: Any. Line Limit: 40.

 1st Prize: $60. 2nd Prize: $40. 3rd Prize: $20.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

In memory of John Rezmerski

Subject: Water. Form: Free Verse. 45 line limit.

Sponsored by the League of Minnesota Poets.

1st Prize: $60. 2nd Prize: $40. 3rd Prize: $20.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Any. Form: Villanelle. Line Limit: Follow Form

Sponsored by the Shavano Poets Society of Colorado.

1st Prize: $60. 2nd Prize: $40. 3rd Prize:$20.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Sponsored by the Arizona State Poetry Society (ASPS).
Subject: The Desert. Form: Any. Line limit: 50.
1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.  

(*members only)

Subject: Nature. Form: Any. 

Line Limit: 40. Sponsored by the Nevada Poetry Society.

 1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

In memory of William Stafford, Oregon’s late Poet Laureate and twice Honorary Chancellor of NFSPS. 

Subject: Any. Form: Any.

 40 line limit. Sponsored by the Oregon Poetry Association and Friends of William Stafford.

 1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 (*Members Only)

  Subject: Migration. Form: Free Verse. 50 line limit. 

Sponsored by the Columbine Poets of Colorado.

  1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

    General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

In memory of Morton D. Prouty Jr., who served as NFSPS Treasurer and Poet Laureate of Alabama and Elsie S. Prouty. Subject: A Nature Poem. Form: Any. 40 line limit. Sponsored by daughters,  Catherine P. Horn and Carol P. Ostberg and their families.

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 (*Members Only)

Subject: Any. Form: Any. 28 line limit.  Sponsored by the Poetry Society of Texas.

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

   General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.t.

Subject: Double Vision. Two views of the same thing. 

Form: Any. Line Limit: 45.

 Sponsored by the Utah State Poetry Society.

 1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

    General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Rivers. Form: Any. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by the Illinois State Poetry Society.

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20

   General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.ment Contests 2-50" form and submit cover sheet and payment.

Subject: Loss of a Child (not necessarily by death). Form: Any. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by Joyce Wilson.

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20

   General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Poetry For Children. Form: Any. 50 line limit.

Sponsored by the Iowa Poetry Association.

1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

   General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 (*Members Only)

Subject: Any. Form: Rondeau. 

Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Poetry Society, Inc. 

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20

    General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 (*Members Only)

Subject: Any Form: Trimeric

Line Limit: 13 (Follow Form)

Sponsored by the Poetry Society of Oklahoma. 1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

   General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Water! Fresh water bodies of water, lakes, streams, etc.  Form: Free Verse. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by the Poetry Society of Michigan.

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20

   General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 (*Members Only)

  Sponsor: Poetry Society of Tennessee.

 In memory of our founding members on our 70th anniversary. Subject: Any. Form: Dorsimbra. Line Limit: 12. Follow Form.

 1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

  General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

(members only). Sponsor: Russell H. Strauss. 

Subject: Any that you think might appeal to an older child or adolescent (ages 10-17) State age level for which you are writing. 

 Form: Any. Line Limit: 10 - 40.

First Prize: $50. Second Prize: $30. Third Prize: $20.

  General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.
Ends on

Subject: Any. Form: Any. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by the Ohio Poetry Association.

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $25. 3rd Prize: $15.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Sponsor: Patricia Barnes

Subject: Humorous. Form: Any. 40 line limit.

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Wyoming or the West. Form: Any. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by the Wyopoets of Wyoming.

1st Prize: $40. 2nd Prize: $25. 3rd Prize: $15.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Sponsor: Florida State Poets Association, Inc.

 Subject: a Celebration of Florida History or Culture, 

 or any other Florida topic, historic, or contemporary.

 Form: Any. Line Limit: 40.

 1st Prize: $35. 2nd Prize: $25. 3rd Prize: $15.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 Subject: Any. Form: Sonnet (Indicate sonnet pattern on entry).  Sponsored by the Mississippi Poetry Society, Inc.
Line Limit: Follow Form.
1st Prize: $35. 2nd Prize: $25. 3rd Prize: $15

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Any. Form: Any. 40 line limit. Sponsored by the Kentucky State Poetry Society.

1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 Subject: Any Serious Theme. Form: Any. 12 line limit.

Sponsored by South Dakota State Poetry Society.

1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

  Subject: The Show Me State.  Form: Any. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by Missouri State Poetry Society.

1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

 General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

In memory of David F. Balph. Subject: Environmental Issues.

Form: Any. 40 line limit. Sponsored by Martha H. Balph.

1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Subject: Any. Form: Any. 40 line limit.

Sponsored by the  Massachusetts State Poetry Society.

1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

 Sponsor: Maine Poets Society, fostering poetry

 since 1936. Subject: On the street where you live

 in Nature. Form: Any. Line Limit: 40.

 1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.


General Contest Rules are here. After submitting to all eligible contests, be sure to visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit cover sheet and payment.

 (*Members Only)
Sponsored by Poets Northwest, a chapter of the Poetry Society
of Texas, celebrating 36 years of encouraging and inspiring poets
in their craft. Subject: Any. Form: Any. Line limit: 42.
1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Sponsor: Lynda La Rocca and Steve Voynick
  In Memory of Hildegard Guttendorfer
   Subject: Any. Form: American Cinquain. 5 line limit. Follow Form.

   1st Prize: $25. 2nd Prize: $20. 3rd Prize: $15.

   General Contest Rules are here

  • Do not put your name on your poem. 
  • Place the contest's number and name in the upper left corner of your submission.
  •  Do not save your poem with your given name in the file name. 
  • After submitting to all eligible contests, visit either the *Member or Non-Member Submission Cover Sheet and Payment Contests 2-50" form and submit your cover sheet and payment.  On the cover sheet, list the contest you are entering and the Poem Title. List the total number of poems submitted.

Only open to students in Grades 9-12.
One Poem per Student.
Subject: Any. Form: Any. 32 line limit.

Sponsored by Catherine L’Herisson and Julie Cummings

1st Prize: $50. 2nd Prize: $30. 3rd Prize: $20.

7 Honorable Mentions: $5 each.

For contest rules head here.

Only open to students in Grades 6-8.

Grades 6-8 Sponsored by New Mexico State Poetry Society
1st Place: $25.00 || 2nd Place: $15.00 || 3rd Place: $10.00

For contest rules head here.

Only open to students in Grades 3-5.
Grades 3-5 Sponsored by New Mexico State Poetry Society

1st Place: $25.00 || 2nd Place: $15.00 || 3rd Place: $10.00
For contest rules head here.



Win Your Way to NFSPS Convention

July 23 - 28, 2025

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Must attend to receive prize

 1st Place— 5 nights stay at the Sheraton Albuquerque Hotel ($834.00) 

 2nd Place—All meals (package) (approximately $351.00)

 3rd Place—Registration Fee ($125.00)

Any form, any subject, limit one page, 12-point type. May be previously published. Simultaneous submissions acceptable.

Fee: NFSPS, Inc. Members 3 poems for $15.00. Non-members 3 poems for $20.00. 

No limit on number of submissions, so long as a new entry fee is included for each set of 3 poems.

Name, address, phone number, e-mail, and State Society membership to be included in Submittable information. No identifying marks or your name on actual poems. No acknowledgements for previously published; if a winner, poem will be acknowledged. No illustrations or pictures. 



Win Your Way to NFSPS Convention

July 23 - 28, 2025

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Must attend to receive prize

 1st Place— 5 nights stay at the Sheraton Albuquerque Hotel ($834.00) 

 2nd Place—All meals (package) (approximately $351.00)

 3rd Place—Registration Fee ($125.00)

Any form, any subject, limit one page, 12-point type. May be previously published. Simultaneous submissions acceptable.

Fee: NFSPS, Inc. Members 3 poems for $15.00. Non-members 3 poems for $20.00. 

No limit on number of submissions, so long as a new entry fee is included for each set of 3 poems.

Name, address, phone number, e-mail, and State Society membership to be included in Submittable information. No identifying marks or your name on actual poems. No acknowledgements for previously published; if a winner, poem will be acknowledged. No illustrations or pictures. 

National Federation of State Poetry Societies